I'm Back!

Hi everyone,

I'm back, baby! Thank you for all of your support and kind words. Are you still there? Hellooooo!

Alright, just checkin'! Thanks for standing by :) At this time, I'd like to introduce the newest member of My Makeup Blog's editorial team (which, has been consisted of me, myself, and I, ha!):

Please help me welcome Mr. Jack Belly, Democat!
He is going to be our Editor-at-Large and somewhere along the line, Belly (a la Prince and Madonna) is going to have a column here at MMB.

Now, for those who are scratching your belly button and wondering out loud what your girl is doing, let me address the elephant in the room: true, Mr. Belly is a cat but he is a very opinionated kitty. In the daytime, he goes around the 'hood interviewing folks (mostly my elderly neighbors) regarding fashion and trends. Then, at night he comes to my place, scratches the door, and meows loudly with the Southern accent of his for a report. He is a tough negotiator and we agreed upon a big bowl of cat keebler, water, and half an hour of tummy scratches a day.
How I met Mr. Belly:

A year ago, when I moved to my new place, I saw a big fluffy stripped cat sitting on top of a car in the parking lot. I came over to pet him and gave him some food. At first, he did not want to do anything with me and gave me stank eyes. Eventually, he realized I was not an enemy and soon followed me home. About three months after that, I started to see bags of cat food and cat treats in my place and Mr. Belly became a regular visitor. He's a friendly cat in the neighborhood whose owner could not take care of him anymore. So, technically he still belongs to her to some levels. Myself and two other neighbors feed, play with him, and give him shelter if necessary (I only do the first two.)

Since he is knowledgeable in fashion and beauty, I decided to give him a column and we will see what Mr. Belly is coming up with.

Mr. Belly is around 14 years old in cat age (approximately 72 in human age!) He's been home-free for 3 years. Beside fashion and beauty, his expertise are: hunting snakes, fighting with other animals, and chasing squirrels.

Ok, folks! That's all for now. I hope Mr. Belly will bring you lots of informative posts in the future.


P.S: If you like my blog, please subscribe to my feed. Thanks a lot!

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