Please Sign This Petition!

I just saw this at One Rich Mother and think it's important. Basically, a homeless woman living in Madrid ended up in a homeless shelter with her 15 month old daughter. She practiced co-sleeping, still breastfed, was an attachment parent, and used gentle discipline. The shelter wanted her to take medication to dry up her milk and wean her child. The woman refused. One day, while the child was in daycare, the shelter would not let the mother have her back. No court ruling, nothing. The mother got kicked out of the shelter and put on the streets because it was a shelter for mothers and children - she no longer had a child!

This is the only way I know to help her. You can check out the post at One Rich Mother, which also has links to embassies. I just don't know how to go about contacting someone, who to contact, or even what to say! On my sidebar, is a petition you can sign. Here is the link to where the petition originated: IMMF Give Back Habiba's Baby

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