Meet Me on Monday {3/14} (Got the date right this time!)

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Well, this week's just been terrible! My "fixed" computer finally gave up and died a smoky, fiery death. Some may say I murdered it, but I'm going to say it committed suicide. I was asking too much from it and it just couldn't cope. So, now I have a new hard drive and lots of other things that ended up melting in the "great meltdown." While I have absolutely no indication that there will be any problem with the new-ish computer, I'm scared to death that I'll kill this one, too.

ANYWAY, on top of that, tons of other stuff has happened. I'm hoping to actually blog about them. It's been so hard to get my thoughts straight. I have a million things to write about, but I just cannot get focused on one. Well, at least I know what I'm writing about here: MMOM. So, here goes!

1.  Do you have a fireplace in your home?

Nope! Probably a good thing. It'd probably never get cleaned and then....

2.  Can you drive a stick shift?

I know how to drive one. I could probably write a nice little book about it because so many people have tried to teach me. Yet, when I get behind the wheel, put the car into gear, and slowly ease up on the clutch and press on the gas - BBRRRAAAAKKKKK! Then the car stalls. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to know how to do something, but not actually be able to do it.

3.  How many computers are in your home?

HA! Really?! Well, read up at the top, then go read this. We currently have two working computers, but it's only a matter of time...

4.  Are your taxes done yet?  Do you do them yourself?

Not yet. I'm not expecting to have to pay, nor am I expecting a refund. I have to do them for my student loans, so I really need to get going on it. I usually have them done the second I have my W-2's in my hand. I do them myself with whatever free online site I can find. I think I used Turbo Tax last year.

5.  What is your favorite meal of the day?

Dinner! Everyone actually sits together and eats. I also love cooking and my husband and oldest gladly watch Little Guy while I take my time cooking.

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