Woman shamed into weight loss after 8 firemen needed to lift her from car wreck - Mirror.co.uk

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Hefty Bryony Sutherland vowed to put the brakes on her binge eating – after she crashed her car and it took eight firefighters to haul her from the wreckage.

Shamed by needing so much muscle to lift her free of her Vauxhall Corsa, care worker Bryony vowed to slim.

The crash marked the start of her six-year struggle to lose weight, during which she has gone from a supersize 21st to 12st 7lb and a slender size 14.

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And she got extra impetus to shed the pounds after deciding to try for a baby.

Bryony, 31, said: "I was driving back from a 10-mile charity hike in West Wittering, West Sussex, and I didn't realise how tired I was. I lost control of the car and woke up in hospital with a broken hip and a broken pelvis.

"I didn't remember a thing about the crash, but I was horrified when a policeman told me it had taken eight firemen to get me out.

"They also said that it had taken them longer to cut me out because of my size. I was so shocked, I never thought I was that heavy. They asked how much I weighed but I didn't know – I'd avoided getting weighed.

"The doctor's face when I got on the scales was enough to make me know I had to change."

Bryony, from Bognor Regis, who was 25 at the time, knew she had to stop scoffing three bags of crisps and two packets of biscuits a day – and that having double portions at breakfast, lunch and dinner would have to go.

She started lots of diets, but only really got fully motivated to avoid temptation when she married Marcus, 35, and they decided to start a family.

Bryony said: "You name it, I tried it. I used to Google 'diets' and see what came up. I've done WeightWatchers, Slimming World, the Cabbage Soup diet, Chinese tea, slimming pills, slimming patches and Slim-Fast. I'd always lose a stone or so and then I'd get bored and go back to my old ways. Then I met Marcus.

"My nan had coaxed me into joining a dating website. I could only have been on it 10 minutes before I got a message from Marcus. All he said was, 'Wow'.

"We chatted for a bit and then arranged to go on a date. When I finally saw him in the flesh it was love at first sight."

Four months after they started going out the couple were engaged.

Bryony said: "I knew he was the one and I was so happy.

"Our wedding day was amazing. But I was still heavy – on honeymoon I couldn't even get the airplane tray down far enough to eat my meal.

"When we decided to start a family I knew I wouldn't get pregnant at my size and I was determined to have children. So I started the Cambridge Diet and ate only liquid food for three months. I've lost 7st 11lb in the last nine months.

"My goal weight is to reach 11st 10lb by Christmas – if I'm not pregnant."

07 Sep, 2011

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFBLaviutJxaPv3NtdzLoRdITvmgg&url=http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/09/07/woman-shamed-into-weight-loss-after-8-firemen-needed-to-lift-her-from-car-wreck-115875-23401284/
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