What Amount Of Botox treatment Is Excessive?

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Botox is an awesome drug that can really help people to look more youthful. Yet it's extremely important to have an honest discussion with the patient to be sure that their anticipations and your treatment objectives are in line. Quite often I will find customers who believe their prior experience with Botox was too heavy handed, leaving them with a fixed, frozen and completely unnatural appearance, or occasionally a droopy brow which interferes with their vision.


I will explain to my clientele that I prefer to offer Botox in a dosage which will soften their lines and wrinkles yet simultaneously retain a degree of facial expression. What this means is a more youthful look but keeps the natural stability and harmony of the face. While some customers do want the 'frozen' forehead appearance, they are in the minority and most would rather steer clear of this.



Picking out the correct dose for a specific individual isn't as clear-cut as your Botox course teacher might have you think. Even though some of the Botulinum Toxin producers do supply dosage suggestions, these ought to be employed as a guide as opposed to a one-size fits all method. In case you go down this road you will notice that your customers will search for a more bespoke service elsewhere.



How do you determine the appropriate dose? It requires a deep comprehension of the body structure and function of the facial anatomy, and an appreciation that everybody differs. So when I see a new client who is pondering about Botox treatment I will meticulously consider that person's facial musculature. I will evaluate the strength of their musculature by reviewing their muscle bulk. I will establish the anatomy of their muscles, which is often different from the description in textbooks. I will establish the impact of relaxing those muscles, in particular the frontalis and orbicularis oculi muscles.



In taking into consideration the impact I am thinking not only about the appearance but furthermore what will happen to the visual function of my client when their brow is relaxed. They aren't going to be best pleased in the event you paralyze their brow muscles which they are using to keep their heavy upper eyelids raised and out of the field of their vision


Certain areas of Botox treatment are also harder to get right than others. Within this context I am thinking specifically about Botox treatment for fine lines about the mouth area. In this region you've got to be particularly respectful of the power of Botox and tread very carefully as overdosage can cause lip incontinence that can last for many months.



Look at the benefits of employing lower doses in addition to treating one region at a time and reviewing your patient to examine the effect of your treatment, instead of carrying out an excessive amount at once. It is a great way to instil confidence and precisely personalise your treatment to their requirements. It may not be the most convenient way to provide treatment, but it will help to build your self-belief, knowledge and experience of the results of Botox treatment and at the same time your approval status with your clients will improve while your rate of unfavourable events will go down. Not a bad trade off.


04 Sep, 2011

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/cosmetics-articles/what-amount-of-botox-treatment-is-excessive-5182349.html
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