Price Sting Premier Heart - improving the Livelihood of the People have Confidence

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Price Sting Premier Heart, improving the Livelihood of the People have Confidence


December 26, Premier Wen Jiabao came to the Central People's Radio "Voice of China" studio and hundreds of millions of viewers a spectacular connection exchanges. This exchange of more than an hour, brought to people, not only surprise and joy, more inspiration and confidence.

"Livelihood" is undoubtedly the main topic of this exchange. Whether Green River in Sichuan, Qinghai Yushu, Gansu Zhouqu living conditions of people in disaster areas such as understanding and dialogue online, or on the price, house prices and how to make people's lives happier and more dignified to answer questions from the audience and other issues, Premier Wen Jiabao and We exchange small Zhouqu cabbage rose 270%, as large as 10 million next year, the national construction of affordable housing units, bit by bit by heart, a leaf of customs intelligence. People remember most part, I am afraid, or when Shenzhen users to "inflation" problem question, Premier Wen replied immediately: "gay friends, your words hurt my heart!"

A "hurt my heart", has aroused strong response from listeners and Internet users. The most recent price increases the country, to low-income people, especially in the life of pressure, "beans you play", "the garlic you are ruthless," "sugar Emperor" and the emergence of the network and popular hot words, but also reflects People on the rising prices of some emotions and expectations.
Is the so-called "People hunger I hunger, I am drowning Man", this "sting", only with care for the people, gratitude for the quality of people's livelihood and keen political nerve, can quickly and keenly felt, "to with emotion, With the people and deep love for the country, a strong sense of responsibility to society to work hard. " And the so-called "concern for the people in fear for those people also worry about their worries", the masses of the Prime Minister from the heart pain, or given understanding and support. According to a site survey, about ten thousand users expressed their views, most of the exchange, said, "Exciting", "moving" and "emotion."

In the Prime Minister's remarks, the material basis of price level stability, the Government's main initiatives and ways to help low-income groups, measures the general level of prices began to fall, and other aspects one by one to make people feel that although the difficulty is not small, but party and the government does not evade the issue, not afraid of problems, but also the courage and good at problem solving and overcome difficulties is based on strong, appropriate measures are effective, orderly and effective.

In particular, Premier Wen stressed that "inflation expectations even more terrible than the inflation itself" in time of inflation, we must build confidence, fully aware that our favorable conditions, and take strong, decisive and timely measures to stabilize prices. The most fundamental solution is to maintain price supply and demand balance, which need to continue the development of production, especially agricultural production, through the "basket mayor in charge of system", "provincial governors assuming responsibility", "implementation of local accountability" to be protected such as the implementation of .

A scene reminiscent of the international financial crisis when the dark clouds of a firm issued a "confidence is more important than gold," the voice. Out of the shadow of the old, is facing new challenges, a time when the winter, but spring is far behind? "We must be able to remain at a reasonable price level, I have the responsibility, I have confidence", "will make the prices can be maintained at a reasonable level in order to achieve this goal will not be back," which words, the people have to convey another message that the people's livelihood in the spring.

I remember this year's "May Fourth" period, a Peking University students presented to the Premier on how to treat Mr. Qian Xuesen Why not cultivate outstanding personnel issues. Premier Wen said: "Qian of the question for us is a big sting, but also a great encouragement." In the "tingling" in the perception of responsibility, "tingling" in the calm thinking, in the "tingling" in the excitation strength, personnel training, answer questions, "Qian of the question," so, stabilize prices, solve the "people's livelihood difficult ", is it not so?

02 Sep, 2011

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