Care For Acne Treatment Should Be Done Keeping The Safety Factor Of The Skin In Mind

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As an adolescent, everyone must have undergone shivers thinking about the loss of beauty due to the pimples on the face. In a frantic search for treatment and for an immediate removal of these acnes, they use a number of creams as well as rub a lot of ingredients on the face. In this frantic search, they sometimes tend to do more harm than good to their skin.


The young people are getting conscious about their appearance in a much sensitive manner. They try to hide their slightest blemish by putting lots of make up or using creams, which might escalate into a bigger pimple or develop into acne. These are also highly prone to become infected and show signs of severe inflammation, giving a further blotch on the face.


People mostly fail to realise that the acne on the face is a point of serious concern, which should not be fiddled with. And moreover, they are not the signs of a dirty face or unhygienic skin. They occur mostly due to the congestion of skin pores by the oily sebaceous glands, which in some in overactive. Also, the hormonal changes in the youth are responsible for their flaring and even appearance.


First thing that people should try to avoid when they see a pimple is the factor of fear and panicky. These kinds of appearances are not to be touched with the bare fingers as the nail beds are the store house of a number of impurities, which will lead to inflammation of the acne, if they repeatedly touched. They fail to realise that the acne has taken a monstrous form due to the constant touching and fiddling with it.


Regular washing with clear water without using any soap is what should be done normally. Using moisturising creams and other lotions which are oil based should be entirely avoided. Use of face masks, powders, make ups, etc are not required, which can aggravate the condition.


Acne treatment is not a very difficult thing to do, but the flaring up due to secondary infections is something that is tough to control. Whenever these kinds of pimples and acne occur, it is always better to consult a dermatologist and people should take care to obey what they say. Small blemishes and pimples can be controlled by home remedies and by the use of home made products. But if these things aggravate, then the consultation with the physicians is a must.


Not that every kind of acne goes into flare up, even if not fiddled with, there are cases, where they turn into severe reddish patches. But in a majority of cases which require acne treatment, people have intervened with the process. And this is what most of the dermatologists advice their patients, especially the young people.


02 Sep, 2011

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