Beauty and her secrets

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Oscar Wilde once said that "No object is so baeutiful, under certain conditions it will not look ugly." So what actually comes under the term "beauty"? Is it a mere physical characteristic of a person or a thing that arouses our senses, or is a mere perception that gives a combined feeling of pleasure, happiness and satisfaction? Beauty encompasses anything that is beautiful. Some of us inherently believe as Elizabeth Kubler Ross that true beauty is revealed when all is dark.

Beauty has had its consequences on the society, ranging from the beautiful girls being stoned to death during the witch hunting's to the ugly being shunned and consequently forced to commit suicide. So is beauty really that superficial? We have had poets of the Romantic era sum up beauty as "Beauty is Truth, and truth beauty" to the post modernism literature showing true beauty to be the harsh reality of life.

The standards have changed with the advancement of culture and the booming of the cosmetology industy, but people have always wanted to look good and beautiful. From wihing for a smooth skin to sharp features to well proportioned body, everone strives to be noticed. Today, media play a major role in determining what is beaituiful and what is not. The maket never stopped growing and the present scenario is such that people spend millions to achieve that perfect look and glow. We all know that time conditions all and that the physical beauty will also be affected, however, we are humans and it's part of the human pyscology to be accepted in the society and to grab the onlookers gaze.

To achieve this we have loads of help, the parlours and the spa resorts and the trained professional all work hard to help us achieve what we want. One of them is a spa resort. They are comparitively newer concept where you can relax and be pampered with their beauty treatments. Usually you need to stay overnight and rest and also follow their specific diets. The resorts also houses golf and tennis courts, swimming pools, gyms etc to make sure that you maintain a healthy mind and body.

The spa packages are a la carte and you can chose from your personal requirement or choices. Spa basically means water treatment or better known as the balneotherapy which uses the powers of the mineral water.

Aldercall Hall situated over 5 acres of sprawling countryside in Norwich, is a spa resort It is a fully functional spa that offers weekend, holiday and resort and spa. They also provide venues for wedding and bachelorettes and bacholer parties, evening conferences etc.

05 Sep, 2011

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