A diet for depression - The Age

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Poor eating habits are to a rise in depression and anxiety among the young, according to Deakin researchers.

Depression and anxiety are the most common mental health problems among Australia's young people and such problems may appear even before a child becomes a teenager. Yet poor diet could be contributing to their increasing frequency, according to researchers at Deakin University.

In a study of 3000 Victorian teenagers, the researchers found the quality of food students ate could predict mental health problems over time: the worse the diet, the greater the likelihood the youngsters would suffer mental health issues.

In a report of the study, the researchers say depression is disproportionately obvious in young people, with 13 the average age at which it first occurs.

"Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders among adolescents and there is evidence both are increasing in prevalence," says Dr Felice Jacka. "Depression is a chronic illness and once you have had one episode you are more likely to have a second, and then a third ..."

Dr Jacka is a research fellow in Deakin's psychiatric research unit based at Geelong Hospital. For the past six years, she has been developing research programs examining how people's diets interact with the risk of mental health problems.

With a team of other researchers, Dr Jacka analysed data collected from students in schools in the Barwon-South Western region involved in a project called "It's Your Move". The project is intended to promote healthy eating and physical activity.

The Deakin study, published in the international journal PLoS One, obtained detailed information from a sample of students aged 11 to 18 in 12 schools across the region. The students filled in questionnaires on the types of food they ate; their mental health and well-being; physical activity; perceptions of school, including their participation in sport; and the home and neighbourhood environment.

Students completed the 84-part questionnaire in about 30 minutes during class time, first in 2005 and again in 2007-08. The students' weight and height were measured by trained researchers.

"We found that diet quality and mental health were linked: healthier diets were associated with better mental health when the students first completed the questionnaire in 2005 and they also predicted better mental health two years later," Dr Jacka says. "This relationship even persisted when mental health at the starting point was taken into account while the opposite was also true; adolescents whose diets were higher in 'junk' and processed foods had worse mental health."

She says depression is the most common cause of disability among people in the developed world and that the "burden of illness associated with depression" is massive. By 2020, depression will become the second most common cause of disability across the planet, after cardiovascular disease.

The Deakin researchers were interested to find out if the students' state of mental health at the beginning of the study was likely to predict the type of food they ate. They found no evidence to suggest it had a bearing on the diet but rather that it worked the other way around: the worse the diet, the greater the chance of suffering mental health problems.

Similarly, if the students' diet improved over the course of the investigation so did the state of their mental health, whereas those whose diets became worse over the two years experienced more mental health symptoms. The study also found that being overweight was not related to the students' mental health and nor was their gender.

Dr Jacka says that although the results were derived from a relatively small sample of young Victorians in one region, other studies have found the conclusions apply more generally to the wider Australian population. And not just across Australia, but also in Britain, Japan, Norway, Japan, Spain and the United States.

"Whatever way we look at diet and its relationship to mental health across different age groups and in different countries, we see the same results over and over again. This has strengthened our belief the relationship does exist and it needs to be taken seriously," she says.

"This is important because these are modifiable factors: everyone has to eat so it affects 100 per cent of the population. If we improve dietary practices, particularly with children, we may be able to prevent at least some of the cases of depression developing in the first place by ensuring the diets of adolescents are sufficiently nutritious."

But individual efforts to tackle the problem of rising rates of depression and anxiety by targeting schools, parents and the wider community will have a limited impact in an environment where junk and processed food are vigorously marketed to children and teenagers, Dr Jacka says.

Instead, immediate action should be taken by the federal government to reduce the availability and marketing of foods that are so cheap and easily obtainable.

"A report published last year found one of the most effective things the government could do to reduce ill-health in Australia was to put a tax on junk and processed food. But these findings, as with other studies that have identified the link between obesity and junk and processed food, have been pretty much ignored," she says.

"Eventually, it will come to a point where governments will have to recognise that the burden of illness associated with poor eating practices is so huge, it is no longer feasible not to take action. We had much the same situation with the tobacco industry, where it took years to get smoking rates down, but now that is happening. A similar approach will have to be taken to restrict the availability of these sorts of foods."

One international study that tracked the mental health of people from the 1930s to 2007 using the same measuring instrument showed an increase in different types of mental distress over that time. The researchers concluded that changes in "unidentified cultural factors in the environment" were associated with the increase in mental health problems. She believes those changes may be linked with people consuming a less healthy diet.

Dr Jacka conducted the first worldwide study to examine the influence of diet on the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders in women. Published in The American Journal of Psychiatry, her report was highlighted on the cover and in an accompanying editorial. She was also the first to report a role for dietary magnesium in depression and anxiety, as well as publishing one of the first papers investigating the use of omega-3 fatty acids in depressive illness.

10 Oct, 2011

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHOvSWWMBQhzyi8Z11mg908RXOThg&url=http://www.theage.com.au/national/education/a-diet-for-depression-20111010-1lh5x.html
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