Look What the Cat Dragged In...

Poor little guy...

Our cat considers himself to be a great hunter and usually brings us all kinds of poor little baby animals to take care of. This year, thankfully, this guy is the first (and, hopefully, the last) of our visitors. He's got a little knick on top of his head that looks superficial. But , then he's got a little bit of roughing up just behind his neck, too. I wanted him to calm down before I checked him out any further, so he's in the bathtub, in a big box with lots of rags to bury himeslf into.

I think he'll make it and, by the size of him, he'll probably be ready to head off on his own pretty soon! As a teenager, I worked for wild animal rehabilitation center. (Yeah, that always gets me - what am I rehabilitating them from? Drugs, alcohol?) Anyway, I've been lucky enough to gain enough experience to know how to handle the majority of the mammals, birds, and - yikes! - even reptiles that may need help.

Now, who could turn down helping out this poor little guy who's lost his mommy and gotten beaten up by a big, bullying cat?!

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