You Rub Me The *Right* Way! {Day 6 - KY Intimacy Experiment}

To all the little kiddies under 18 out there:
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 This is going to be a short one because remember, back on Day 2, how hubby and I tried to work on touching, hugging, and kissing a little more often? Well, Day 6 of the KY Intimacy Experiment is kind of a replay of that, with a little more "naughty" added to those passing touches. Now that we'd had time to get back into the habit of actually touching each other when we didn't have to (that sounds bad - like maybe someone's got cooties!), it was time to re-learn how to get each other a little hot and bothered with some of those touches.

Our daytime exercise was something for the journal again. We had to list 10 ideas of different ways we could touch. We chose to write ones that had a little spice in them. At the top of hubby's list was "Play grab-ass." Mine said, "Pinch your butt while passing each other." Same concept, waaaaay different way of putting it! Anyway, we made out lists, compared, and found that we'd both came up with a few more little things to do throughout the day that would add a little more "umph" to our relationship and made each day worth looking forward to.

The nighttime exercise was one I always love - full body massages! Though, we had to change the plans in the KY Intimacy Experiment booklet to fit us a little better. Their plan was for each of us to give the other a full body massage, adding a few little sexy rubs in once in a while to heat things up. But I can't get a massage like that and then turn around and give one back. So, on the first night, hubby got his massage because I tend to get my massage and be ready to move on. He'd never have gotten his if I went first. The next day, all I could think was ,"Tonight it's my turn!" I love just relaxing and feeling good. Knowing that he's completely focused on me and I don't have to do anything in return is a wonderful feeling!

And, of course, we capped of both massages with the lights turned low (wink, wink... nod, nod!)

Get Your Extra Entries!!!

For TWO MORE ENTRIES, tell me if you enjoy giving or getting massages more, or is it equal? In the beginning of our relationship, it didn't matter to me who was getting the massage - I was just happy that we were together and touching. Now, I would jump at the chance to be the recipient every time ans often have to force myself to actually give poor hubby one.

Answer the question in your first comment, then just type "Entry 2" in your second comment for two entries. Don't forget to leave your email in one of your comments.

You must have done the Mandatory entry on my original giveaway post HERE, in order to receive the extra entries on this post. I will add these entries to the original entries when I choose a winner.

This is open to US residents. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OVER TO ENTER! Giveaway will end on July 30, 2011, at 11:59 pm EST

*I received no monetary compensation for this giveaway, this blog post, or the blog posts that will follow. I did receive a K-Y Brands Intimacy Experiment package in order to fully participate in the program and tell you about it.

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