Weight-loss triumph motivates Catherine to inspire others - Inverness Courier

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Catherine as she is today with her two-year-old twins Harris and Kitty.

Catherine as she is today with her two-year-old twins Harris and Kitty.

CATHERINE Bentley never considered herself to be fat. "I thought I was a bit podgy, but not fat," she said. "People used to say, 'you carry it well'."

But a trip to a High Street shop last summer really shocked the 38-year-old, who gave birth to twins two years ago.

"I went into Next and picked up a size 14 pair of shorts. They just got over my knees and I was mortified. I just walked out of the store. That is really when it hit home about how much weight I had put on."

Before she fell pregnant, Mrs Bentley, who works for holiday letting company LHH, weighed just over 10 stone, but she grew to more than 12 stone and a size 16 after twins' Harris and Kitty were born.

She admits savoury snacks were her downfall, and she could eat 12 mini cheddars without even thinking.

"I love toast with butter," she continued. "I could eat eight to 10 slices a day and I would think, it is just a snack."

During her pregnancy she was also diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, which led to high blood pressure and afterwards she developed hyper-tension and was told she may be on tablets for life.

"I had tried to lose weight after the birth of my twins," she explained. "I was pretty down in the dumps as being with two made going out harder work, and I nibbled constantly. I was trying to lose weight myself as I never believed I needed help and was too embarrassed to get help."

Then, after the incident with the shorts, and having lost just half-a-stone on her own, she decided to sign up for a Slimming World class in Dingwall.

One year on, and she has lost 2st 5lbs.

"My mum came with me and she is a complete sceptic, having been overweight for 14 years," Catherine recalled. "She said it wouldn't work and she is now three-and-a-half stone lighter. She can't believe it."

Losing weight has also had health benefits for Mrs Bentley, who no longer has to take medication for high blood pressure.

"You feel brilliant when you lose weight," she said. "You just feel great. I have gone down three dress sizes and my blood pressure is normal."

Now a slender size 10, weighing just 9 stone 3lbs, she added: "Everybody just says how healthy I look. I have lost 10 years off me. I have got so much energy and feel so much better and so happy. I just want to get out there and do things. I can run around endlessly with the twins."

Slimming World was a revelation to Mrs Bentley, of Balblair, who has now decided to set up her own class in the Black Isle.

"I just thought there was a really big call for it," she explained.

"I was travelling to Dingwall. There used to be a Scottish Slimmers class four years ago, and Weight Watchers up until last year, but there is nothing in the Black Isle at all now.

"The two golden rules for Slimming World is everything in moderation and a little bit of what you fancy. It is that simple. Not only does the plan allow for very generous portions, it is also a very healthy way of living. It is not a 'quick fix' but changes eating habits for the better, for life. I would just say to anyone out there who would like to lose weight to come along, listen to what the plan has to offer and then decide whether to join."

Mrs Bentley's Slimming World group starts on Thursday at 7pm in Fortrose Town Hall.

For further information, contact her on 01381 610 389 or 07795 113 866 or e-mail ballicherry@hotmail.co.uk.

Also visit Slimming World at www.slimmingworld.com.

04 Sep, 2011

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNG2zr621aVZnMGDyihyBRGJCgfO_Q&url=http://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/Features/Courier-Woman/Weight-loss-triumph-motivates-Catherine-to-inspire-others-02092011.htm
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