Say No to Dry Hands

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Hands are known to get dry naturally because they have a fewer oil glands than the rest of the body to help keep them hydrated. There's no wonder dry skin can be a real problem for hands. If you have dry hands, you are being detained from performing your daily activities more efficiently. If left untreated, it will crack, burn, and itch. Here are a few facts on what causes dry hands and how to prevent being caught in such painful dilemma.

One of the culprits to dry skin is too much exposure to water and drying sopas. One of the example is hand washing. Warm, soapy water is very effective at removing the natural oils on your hands which hold soils and bacteria. This may sound beneficial, but this could compromise the moisture of your hands. Soaps in general strip oil from your skin, so look for less irritating products. Look for one that contains emollients or glycerin. It is also recommended that you moisturize the hands immediately after washing them in order to seal in the water that the skin has absorbed, preventing hands from drying and chapping.

Take note that frequent use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers can cause dry hands unless emollients and/or skin moisturizers are added to the formula. The drying effect of alcohol can be reduced or eliminated though by adding glycerin and/or other emollients to the ingredients. In clinical trials, alcohol based hand sanitizers containing emollients caused substantially less skin irritation and dryness compared to soaps or antimicrobial detergents.

Cold Combat dry office air and moisture-sapping paper shuffling with hydrators that would supply fluid or moisture to the skin and ample enough to hydrate and soften it. Moisturizers and hand gels or lotions are examples of it. It is highly suggested to apply them as often as you can to keep your hands well-hydrated, soft, even-toned, supple and plump.

People who come in constant contact with chemicals experience dry hands more than anyone else. Bear in mind that household cleaning products are one of the contributors of dry hands. Bathroom cleaner, ammonia, and bleach tend to be especially drying to the hands. To protect your hands, wear rubber gloves with cotton liners.

During cold season, protecting your hands from dipping temperature is a must. Wearing mittens is strongly encouraged amongst us all to avoid moisture to evaporate.

05 Sep, 2011

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