Pros and cons of liposuction

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Today Liposuction has become very popular surgery procedure in U.S.A and all over the world. Liposuction helps to make reshape of the body as what you want by removing or suction out extra fat from different area of the body with t help of different process.When people think to change themselves through liposuction they do not want to think the all aspect of positive and negative thing of surgery. If anyone wants really to go with liposuction surgery he/she must be aware about the advantage and disadvantages of the surgery. Because liposuction is a surgical process and any surgical process risk should be involved.

Liposuction surgery is very good choice for them who are already good shape in figure. But wants to remove the fat from beneath the skin of different area which is not response with diet and exercise like stomach, buttock etc to make their body more contour and perfect shape.

The main advantages of liposuction is that it makes contour of the body and proper shape of one`s demand. But the cons or disadvantages is that it left the scare mark. Patient can back to their work after 1 week but they may still some bruising or scarring for long time after surgery. The skin should come back like their previous stage after six month if the quality of skin should more elasticity and firm. Otherwise for older patient skin has some fold which like extra skin and mold around the treated area. In this case another surgical procedure may be needed for get rid of this extra skin.

By the liposuction surgery fat cells of a particular area has been removed permanently. So there is no possibility of growing fatty tissue further in the area which tries to be treated. If patients do not follow the proper diet and exercise after surgery they may getting fat the other part f the body.

The short recovery period is the advantage of liposuction surgery. People who are very busy with their work can get the benefit from this surgery. Some fatty area of body parts does not response with proper diet and regular exercise. For those areas liposuction is good choice for removing fat. People get go back their work within short time and many patients declare that they get benefits within a couple of weeks. Patient should have to wear the pressure garment which is not suitable for all.

Liposuction is not the perfect surgery for the obsess people. It only reshapes the body. Patient should have to aware about al pros and cons before go through of liposuction surgery.

07 Sep, 2011

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