Know Home Remedy Treatments For Your Nail Fungus

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Do you intend to hide all ten digits of your hands and feet at public places? Is it that unpleasant look making your confidence down while applying nail polish? If yes, better look for the immediate solution before it spreads. You might need effective treatment for nail fungus.


Believe it or not, there are estimates of 30 million sufferers in The United States alone. All they have the most common nail complaint- Onychomycosis (Tinea Unguium). Well, nail fungus is not a life threatening infection except some pains. But, do you expect discolored and disfigured nails with a history of fungus would attract someone to you?


Nothing to worry, nail fungus can be treated completely, even in the most severe cases too. The recovery ranges from home remedy to herbal to pharmaceutical as prescribed by your pedicurist or manicurist


Here are few of the home remedies for your nail fungus discussed. Before you pamper yourself for the home cures, accept few considerations-


  • Fungal infection won't simply get well overnight
  • Home fungus treatments are long term approach
  • Since it includes external application, you will have minimum or no side effects.
  • Home remedies are generally effective for mild cases of fungal infections
  • The success rate varies based on severity of the infection.



Home treatment tips:


1. Always, keep your toes dry by using a good hair dryer.


2. For advanced infection, soak your feet in warm water for 20-30 minutes and then start trimming your nail. Once the fungus invaded nail is separated from your toe, cut away all the unattached nail portion and remove thick fungus, scraps from there. Be consistent with this process.


3. Prepare a solution of water and vinegar and soak your toes for minimum half an hour in the night. Be persistent to apply it for next 3-6 months. Commitment works here.



4. Get sandal for your daily footwear, or go barefooted only. Avoid using moist socks and shoes.


5. Before you wear socks, apply a little amount of Vick's Vapor Rub to the affected area. Make sure your toes are properly dried, or else, moisture under the rub can deteriorate the condition.


Certain myths to mind:


1. Though many of us view applying Tea tree oil a good alternative treatment for its antibiotic properties, it can never help fighting against the infection. It just helps reducing skin irritation around the nail.


2. Sometimes Oregano Oil, Olive Oil for their antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents are used to treat infection. However, as suggested you should not use it for more than 3 to 4 weeks. By the time if there is no sign of improvement, you may expect it to return after 3 weeks for sure.


3. Though a common treatment, do not dip your infected nail in extreme hot water. It will simply cause you more problems.  




Well, if not successful with these home remedies try out FDA approved pharmaceutical products and natural organic solution. It can do wonders for your nail cure. Give it an attempt today. For more free health and fitness advice you can search online for a health blog.

16 Sep, 2011

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