Avanutri Mobile for iPhone and iPad - Weight Loss Tool, BMI Calc - iPad News Tracker

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New York, New York – Announcing that Ratto Software, the developers of Avanutri Mobile, has released an impressive application iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users. Avanutri Mobile is a newly launched product for those who want to lose weight, and/or maintain a certain level of fitness. The application tracks meals and calculates the nutritive values of consumed food. It also calculates a user's body mass index (BMI). Avanutri Mobile is a fast and convenient tool that can be used effectively on a daily basis.

Avanutri Mobile may be just the right combination of help that users need if they're looking to drop some weight or maintain their current or desired fitness level. The application makes it easier to make informed food choices, as it tracks a user's meals and calculates the nutrition being consumed. Users can let the app do that part of their weight loss program.

Users are also able to keep a check on their body mass index (BMI) by letting Avanutri Mobile calculate where they're at, with regards to body fat. This can encourage a dieter or health and fitness user, as they can see progress being made. Of course, if the readings indicate less than favorable indexing, that's good news too because it lets the user know that they need to make an adjustment somewhere in their regime.

These are some of the features in Avanutri Mobile:
* Super easy to use
* Calculates body mass index (BMI)
* Keeps track of meals and calculates nutrients
* Safe, ideal tool for losing weight and staying fit and healthy
* Effective and helpful for daily use
* Available in English and Portuguese
* Future updates and enhancements are Free

Thanks to the portability of this application, users have a fast and convenient tool for achieving their weight loss and fitness goals. Avanutri Mobile is certainly safe but it is also an effective and helpful aid that can be used on a daily basis.

Device Requirements:
* 3G iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
* Requires iOS 4.0 or later
* 31 MB

Pricing and Availability
Avanutri Mobile 1.2 is only $1.99 (USD) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Health and Fitness category. Promo codes are available for qualified reviewers. Please specify the website or blog you represent when making your request.

Avanutri Mobile 1.2
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Media Assets

Ratto Software developers have extensive experience in web design, backend systems and games. The company has created everything from websites to digital rights management systems for recording studios, to project management systems for architects. Ratto Software is currently working on augmented reality projects, web based games for the world's largest corporations, and various iOS and Android mobile applications. Copyright (C) 2011 Mobile-App-Marketing-Makeover. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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13 Sep, 2011

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFSLTVJrzSuQSV2jcosOBQekoSl4Q&url=http://www.ipadnewstracker.com/mobile/2011/09/avanutri-mobile-for-iphone-and-ipad-weight-loss-tool-bmi-calc/
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